Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Furnace Air Duct Cleaning Omaha

Hi, Steve Sleeper here. I'm with Scot Morris, owner of the Specialist Carpet Cleaners in Omaha and as we're recording this, it's November and we're coming up on Thanksgiving. So, the big thing now is furnace air duct cleaning Omaha. Right Scot?

[Scot] Yes - we get calls now, because people turn on their furnaces and get a bad smell.

[Steve] Scot, how often should we clean our air ducts?

[Scot] That’s an interesting question. The industry says every two years. I personally think that's excessive, unless you’ve got people in your home with serious allergy problems or very serious problems with asthma. I think most people can go four to six years and that's especially true if you have a good filter.

I can't stress enough the importance of a good air filter. A two dollar air filter gives you two dollars worth of value. They're just not meant to do a good job, so we really stress that. Let's clean the ducts and put in a good filter. Spend ten bucks instead of two bucks and your family will be healthier and that will actually extend the life of the system. We've had instances where we put in a good electrostatic filter after we've cleaned and we can go back five years later and inspect again and the ducts don’t need cleaning.

[Steve] An electrostatic filter is the best way to go?

[Scot] A two dollar paper filter will catch about ten or twenty percent of the crud blowing through your system. They catch the big stuff, they catch the dust. An electrostatic filter will catch almost everything; 90% of what's blowing through there.

[Steve] So it's a huge difference. But, you get what you pay for.

[Scot] Yeah, absolutely. The health of your family is worth it. Price is what you pay and value is what you get.

[Steve] Thanks, Scott. For a free copy of the Consumer's Guide to Carpet Cleaning and more on furnace air duct cleaning in Omaha, go to or call 402 573-0400.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Carpet Cleaning Omaha

Steve Sleeper recently had the Specialists Carpet Cleaning Omaha clean the rugs in his house. He followed them with a camera and interviewed Scot Morris, the owner of the company. What follows is a transcript of the interview and it provides a lot of good information on how to hire a good carpet cleaning company.

[Steve] OK. Scott, you’re in the dining room cleaning. I don't mean to be gross, but what's coming out of the carpet?
[Scot] Your carpet is a large, flat, absorbent material. It acts like a filter. It pulls in everything that's in the air, all of the pollution, all of the contaminants, all the dust and dirt, anything that comes in on your shoes, anything that comes in with the dogs or anything that comes out of the dogs - not to be gross.
So what's coming out of the carpet is a combination of natural dirt and soil, bodily fluids from the dogs and a host of air pollution and contaminants.
[Steve] One reason Carpet Cleaning Omaha is needed is because contaminants can destroy rug fibers, correct?
[Scott] Absolutely. Imagine your furnace filter. If you look at this carpet as a filter, how long does it take for that filter to be full? All of those contaminants damage the carpet fiber
Those contaminants are stirred up into the house and you and your family are breathing in all that stuff. It's particularly hard on people who have respiratory issues, which we're seeing more and more.
[Steve] Scott, what's the advantage of using a truck mount for cleaning carpets?
[Scott] Well the advantage of using truck mount equipment is power. Carpet cleaning is a three legged stool of chemistry, technique and equipment. Chemistry is what it is and advances everyday. Technique comes from training and years of experience with the technician. Equipment is really a matter of what you can afford and what’s going to work best.
We like truck mount because of power. We're cleaning with pressure and suction power. When cleaning carpets, you want to get them as wet as it needs to be and use lots of heat. But you also want to pull back as much of that cleaning solution as possible. The vacuum power we get from a truck mount can’t be matched with portable equipment.
[Steve] Thanks Scott. For a free report "The Consumer's Inside Guide to Carpet Cleaners Omaha" go to, or call 402-573-0400.

Best Way to Clean Carpets in Omaha

Hi. My name is Tucker. Tucker the dog. My friend Scot at the Specialists told me there are some questions out there about the best way to clean carpets in Omaha. So I’m going to do my best to answer those questions.

The first question is – do portable machines get carpets clean? Answer – not really. You see - portable machines, including Rug Doctors, are carpet wetters…like me only a it’s a different wet. Anyhow, they have a nozzle and spray solution and have a very light duty vacuum.

But in order to really clean your carpet it needs to be down to the backing. With a portable machine, all you clean is the top of the carpet yarn. The rest just gets wet and gets pushed deeper. So it’s just a superficial clean and everything else actually gets worse. Because you don't have the vacuum power, you run the risk of developing mold and other issues down deep in your carpets. Yuk – I don’t want to roll around in that!

OK. Second question from a viewer. What’s the best equipment to use? Answer - truck mount. The advantage of using truck mount equipment is power and it’s the best way to clean carpets in Omaha. Carpet cleaning is chemistry, technique and equipment. Chemistry advances all the time. Technique is training and the technician’s ability. Equipment is what works best.

The Specialists like truck mount because of power. They're using pressure and suction to clean. Cleaning carpets means get them as wet possible and use lots of heat. Then you need to pull back as much of the cleaning solution as possible. The vacuum power from a truck mount can’t be matched with portable equipment. I also like to pee on the trucks tires.

Anyhow, for a free report "The Consumer's Inside Guide to the Best Way to Clean Carpets Omaha", go to, or call 402-573-0400. That’s it. I’m done. Gotta go find that truck.

Carpet Cleaners Omaha

Hi I’m Steve Sleeper. I recently had the Specialists carpet cleaners clean the carpets in my house and I’m here to tell you – they did a great job. Most important, my wife loves the job they did.

When the Specialists where here, I followed them around with my video camera and asked Scot, the owner, a bunch of questions about carpet cleaning and learned a lot.

Scot – how does your Carpet Cleaners Omaha equipment compare to home cleaning machines?

[Scot] You know, I joke with people about little home cleaning machines, and, it may surprise you to hear: I own one. They have a place. I use one in my house for those quick spills. If the dog makes a mess or somebody spills something on the carpet, by all means, fire up the little Bissell unit or run to the grocery store and grab a Rug doctor and clean up the mess.

But, they're not great carpet cleaners. Portable machines, including Rug Doctors, are basically, carpet wetters. They have a nozzle, they spray solution. They have a very light duty vacuum, and they're great for cleaning up a mess.

But in order to get deep down clean you need professional truck mount equipment. That gets carpet clean right down to the backing. With a portable machine, what you basically do is clean the top of that yarn. Everything else just gets wet and gets pushed deeper. So instead of cleaning it, what you get is a superficial clean. You get the top of the carpet clean. Everything else actually gets worse. And because you don't have the vacuum power, you actually run the risk of developing mold and other issues down deep in your carpets. So it could be a real problem.

[Steve] We were talking earlier off camera and you said some of the stain cleaners actually lock that stain in as opposed to getting rid of it.

[Scot] Yeah, the worst advice we give to people is to try all those home remedies. There are a lot of rumors out there on the web about over-the-counter products that say, "oh grab this and spray it on your carpet". The problem is, many of those products don't get that spot out but are pretty effective at locking stains in. So, if you don't get it out, you may have made it impossible even for us to get it out.

[Steve] Oh wow, so that's something to remember.

[Scot] It is. We always leave our customers a little bottle of spotter. It's a pH neutral spotting agent that allows us to get to those spots without risk. If you use our spotter and it doesn't get the spot out, you haven't done any damage.

[Steve] Thanks Scott. For a free report, The Consumer's Inside Guide to Carpet Cleaners Omaha, go to or call 403-573-0400.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Allergies Still a Problem!

Gosh, it's been a busy summer, and way too long since I got to sit down and post a blog entry. Strange too that my topic is similar to the last post....Allergies!!!

Anyone who suffers from allergies will tell you that is just awful out there right now. One of the primary barriers for allergy sufferers between them and and the environmental elements that make life miserable are the walls and doors of our homes. The problem of course is that a whole lot of those various pollens and irritants are already in your home. To make matters worse, the dampness and high water tables this morning have created additional issues with mold and mildew especially in basements. The situation is bad, but far from hopeless!!

First the good news is that your best defense against these pesky irritants is a good vacuum cleaner, and a fresh furnace filter. You simply need to get as much of the pollen as you can out of your house. Follow this simple plan:

1. Vacuum more often, and change the bag and or filters in your vacuum more frequently.
2. Be sure to vacuum that upholstered furniture and even your drapes. All those soft absorbent surfaces collect and hold allergens
3. Change your furnace filter. You may want to consider the purchase of an electrostatic filter. The truth about most cardboard filters is that they catch only a small portion of the crud (a highly technical term) blowing through your system.

These simple steps will make a dramatic difference in the number and concentration of contaminants in your home. If the carpet in your basement has gotten wet this summer, or if it's just time for your regular carpet cleaning. please give us call and let us help you out!

We are certainly honored to be your healthy home partners! Please don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions about your carpet, upholstery, or air duct cleaning needs!


Friday, April 8, 2011

Hello Allergy Sufferers!

I know I have talked about it before, but regular carpet and upholstery cleaning is an important part of managing and controlling those allergies! Allergens like pollen or pet dander, are not mysterious evil forces, they are simply contaminants that can be controlled within a household environment. Regular vacuuming can be effective for reducing the exposure to these contaminants for those who suffer from minor allergies. For those like some of my own family members, managing allergens in the household environment simply requires action that is a bit more aggressive.

As your healthy home partner, our technicians are experts in helping you control those common contaminants found in your home. Our recommendations include:

1. Make sure you have a properly fitted electrostatic filter in your furnace. (Those paper filters only catch about 15% of the airborne contaminants blowing through your HVAC system, and all the air in your home travels through that filter 3 to 4 times every hour!).

2. Vacuum your carpets twice each week, and your upholstered furniture once each week with a HEPA filtered vacuum. Perhaps this sounds like common sense, but I cannot over emphasize the importance regular vacuuming. Like it or not, everything that is blowing around outside is finding its way inside our homes. Regular vacuuming is our first line defense that costs nothing but a few moments of our time.

3. Consider quarterly carpet cleaning. Unlike those rental machines, our technicians use powerful truck mounted equipment that produces very high pressure, and extremely powerful suction, not to mention water above 200 degrees at the jets. What that all means to you is cleaning power far and above that which you can do on your own. If done properly and professionally, you simply cannot over clean a carpet, and for allergy sufferers, that regular cleaning will have you breathing easier.

4. Have your air ducts cleaned. All those contaminants have a safe home inside your air ducts unless we go in after them. All the other protections are going to be less effective if the air in your home is constantly travelling through contaminated duct work. Air duct cleaning not only removes pollen and pet dander, but household dust, dust mites and their waste, bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, and a host of other irritants. Those ducts are a dark, damp, climate controlled space where contaminants thrive. So call the experts for a very special, thorough Spring cleaning.

Members of my own family are allergy sufferers, and we do these things because we care about how they feel. Some things are out of our hands, but I want to make every effort to remove allergens and contaminants in our home, providing the cleanest, healthiest environment possible. If you have questions about creating and maintaining your own healthy home, we are here to help. Give us a call at 402-573-0400, or find us on the web at  or

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Skinny About Cleaning

So why call a professional carpet cleaner? Why pay someone to do what you may be able to do yourself with a little red machine rented at the grocery store?

The same question could be asked about any other service provided in your home I suppose, but let me tell you a little about how we do what we do. Most carpet manufacturers require regular carpet cleaning as a condition of their warranty. Most consumers don't even know that (who reads the warranty?). But why not use the little red machine?

Think of carpet cleaning as a three legged stool with one leg being equipment, one being chemistry, and the third technique. Talking about equipment first, the home machines are designed first and foremost not to do damage. The red machine guys don't want liability claims so they give consumers a machine that can't hurt anything, but unfortunately that dramatically limits the cleaning power. Our truck mounted equipment for instance can deliver water that is 200 degrees at the nozzles, pressure of hundreds and even over a thousand  pounds per square inch, and suction power that can even remove water from under your carpet but is more than enough to break blood vessels if applied to skin. All that power provides an amazing ability to clean, but can be very dangerous in that hands of someone who is not specially trained to use it.

The chemistry of cleaning is vitally important to the cleaning process and to the safety of you and your family. Proper cleaning generally requires us to dramatically raise the PH level of the carpet. Just how high that level must go depends on a great many factors including the fibers used in the carpet, the kind use the carpet gets and the types of soil to be removed. After cleaning that PH level must be returned to normal and all chemical residue must be removed. The chemistry of cleaning must be evaluated and adjusted on every job, and requires a high level of expertise.

Leg three is technique and it is only acquired through training and experience. Folks using the red machine often tell us how their carpet was wet for two or three days after they cleaned it. You cannot over clean a carpet but you can certainly over wet one, and do real harm. Imagine that machine spraying out luke warm water and soaking your carpet right to the floor. Then the relatively low suction it provides in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to get that water back up, sucks the water from the top of the yarn and leaves it saturated down below. The top third of your carpet now appears to be clean, but all the dirt, contaminants and water is still sitting down deep. The carpet is not clean, and it can literally stay wet for days, allowing the growth of bacteria and mold.

You wouldn't diagnose your own medical issues right? Well we are not doctors, but our technicians have years of specialized training, experience, and certifications that the average consumer simply cannot get by reading the tag on the red machine. Their training and experience allow them to use the best equipment to safely and effectively clean your carpets. Carpet cleaning is about creating and maintaining a healthy home for you and your family. Trust a professional to be your healthy home partner!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Who's Crawling on Who?

Did You Know We Clean Air Ducts?

Have you ever given a thought to what is inside the air ducts of your home? Our air ducts are certainly out of sight and therefore out of mind, but all the air in our homes travels through these spaces 3 to 4 times an hour on average. It stands to reason that the condition of our air ducts can and will have an effect on the quality of the air we breathe and our quality of life.

The picture is not meant to scare anyone. We all live in blissful ignorance about the contaminants in our homes but it is helpful to know that we can take steps to limit our exposure to many of them. It would be unthinkable not to wash our dishes after using them or our clothes after we wear them. Do you know that the carpets our kids and grandkids are crawling and playing on are cleaned only every 18 months on average, and that most people never clean the air ducts in their homes? Our carpets and air ducts are exposed to all the same contaminants (and worse) that our other washables are but we tend to let them go because they don’t look bad.

Air duct cleaning, like carpet cleaning, removes those contaminants. Those include every day soil and dust, but also dust mites and their waste, molds, germs, and the innumerable pollutants travelling through the air. It is not possible to live in a contaminant free environment, but as your healthy home partner, we certainly want to offer our clients the opportunity to live in the cleanest, healthiest environment possible. Regular carpet cleaning (at least once a year), and periodic air duct cleaning (every 3-5 years) are important parts of creating and maintaining that healthy home for your family.

The cleaning services we offer are certainly about what you can see, as we leave your home sparkling clean. We are equally concerned though about cleaning what you cannot see because we know you and your family deserve the cleanest, healthiest home possible.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Press Release Today

February 27, 2011

Omaha Carpet Cleaning Company announces special fundraising partnership with local homeless shelter. Scot Morris, healthy home expert and owner of Specialists Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning in Omaha, announced the return of their Care to Clean special. For the past several years, Specialists has offered expert, professional carpet cleaning services at special deep discounts for those who help Open Door Mission. Morris says he is a strong supporter of the Mission, and a regular volunteer himself. Open Door Mission is a Gospel rescue mission and shelter, but also provides so many life changing programs and services designed to help the homeless, the hungry, and the working poor.

While the special lasts, Morris says his company is offering an Amazing ½ Price Cleaning Special to those who help them help Open Door Mission! Specialists will clean 3 rooms and a hall (up to 600 SF) for just $79! That’s $180 worth of expert, professional carpet cleaning for less than 80 bucks! To qualify for this amazing deal, just write them a check, made out to Open Door Mission, for $25 or more. You help the Mission and Specialists Carpet Cleaning will help you have a healthier home!

Those interested in taking advantage of this limited time special can contact Specialists Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning at 402-573-0400, or email Information is also available on the Giving and Getting involved page of the Mission’s website at