Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Furnace Air Duct Cleaning Omaha

Hi, Steve Sleeper here. I'm with Scot Morris, owner of the Specialist Carpet Cleaners in Omaha and as we're recording this, it's November and we're coming up on Thanksgiving. So, the big thing now is furnace air duct cleaning Omaha. Right Scot?

[Scot] Yes - we get calls now, because people turn on their furnaces and get a bad smell.

[Steve] Scot, how often should we clean our air ducts?

[Scot] That’s an interesting question. The industry says every two years. I personally think that's excessive, unless you’ve got people in your home with serious allergy problems or very serious problems with asthma. I think most people can go four to six years and that's especially true if you have a good filter.

I can't stress enough the importance of a good air filter. A two dollar air filter gives you two dollars worth of value. They're just not meant to do a good job, so we really stress that. Let's clean the ducts and put in a good filter. Spend ten bucks instead of two bucks and your family will be healthier and that will actually extend the life of the system. We've had instances where we put in a good electrostatic filter after we've cleaned and we can go back five years later and inspect again and the ducts don’t need cleaning.

[Steve] An electrostatic filter is the best way to go?

[Scot] A two dollar paper filter will catch about ten or twenty percent of the crud blowing through your system. They catch the big stuff, they catch the dust. An electrostatic filter will catch almost everything; 90% of what's blowing through there.

[Steve] So it's a huge difference. But, you get what you pay for.

[Scot] Yeah, absolutely. The health of your family is worth it. Price is what you pay and value is what you get.

[Steve] Thanks, Scott. For a free copy of the Consumer's Guide to Carpet Cleaning and more on furnace air duct cleaning in Omaha, go to or call 402 573-0400.